




  “模拟联合国”(Model United Nations)是世界各国官方和民间团体特意为青年人组织的活动。青年学生们扮演各个国家的外交官,以联合国会议的形式,通过阐述观点、政策辩论、投票表决、做出决议等亲身经历,熟悉联合国的运作方式,了解世界发生的大事对他们未来的影响,了解自身在未来可以发挥的作用。

  经过70多年的发展,模拟联合国活动现在已经风靡全世界,形式多样,规模不一,有国际大会、全国大会,还有地区级和校际间的大会,参与者有大学生到高中生,乃至初中生。同时,模拟联合国活动已经不仅仅是对联合国机构的模拟,它还包括对其他全球或地区性多边组织,政府内阁,国际论坛等组织或者会议的模拟。目前全世界每年有近四百个国际模拟联合国大会在五大洲的50多个国家召开。每年参与大会的师生来自世界100多个国家,总人数超过四百万人。Why do we need to MUN?

Develop leadership skills and learn to tackle global issues

Improve Research Ability

Before participating in the meeting, each participant, as a representative of a certain country, 

needs to do a lot of preparatory work around the MUN issues in the early stage.

During this process, we need to collect and master a large amount of literature, 

relevant data and knowledge. In the learning stage, an essential learning process. On the other hand, after obtaining relevant information, you need to learn to look at, 

analyze and solve problems from a higher level, and generate your own insights

Building negotiation and Public Speaking Sill

MUN require participants to engage in public speaking, develop negotiation skills, and learn how to effectively communicate their ideas and positions.

Developing Leadership abilities

MUN allows participants to take on leadership roles such as chairing a committee or leading a delegation. This helps to develop leadership and management skills that can be valuable in any profession or walk of life
