AI 和机器人

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时间:2024-06-03   访问量:431

Programming SPIKE Prime in Word blocks: Beginner to Advanced

Learning the basics of programming should be fun and exciting, especially for kids. In this course, students will learn the universal & key programming concepts by programming SPIKE robots to move, catch, draw, react and much more!
This course includes 25 lesson plans - enough for an entire school year! Build robots designed after impressive constructions, learn about the awesome world around you and have fun learning how to program.

SPIKE Essential Programming course for Early Learners

Learn how to code from the first day of school. Discovering the potential of programming with colorful robots motivates kids to learn like nothing else!
In this course, complete beginners will learn the first programming concepts by creating imaginative robots from bricks and electronics of SPIKE Essential.
Even if you have never programmed, or built robots before, this series will show you just how much can be achieved with just a handful of bricks and a few code blocks.


